La Academia community works to develop a culture of respect and collaboration based on our UNIDOS character traits (Unity- Never give up- Integrity- Discovery- Ownership- Success). Academia’s Responsive Classroom system explicitly provides necessary school-wide procedures, rules, expectations, consequences, and norms that help students become owners of their own learning and more self-directed in their behavior.


“In Unity there is Strength.”

  • Helping someone
  • Collaborating with others
  • Being respectful even when we have differences
  • Being patient with one another
  • Being kind to your peer
  • Having empathy and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes
  • Being generous and giving others the benefit of the doubt


“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow.”

  • Being courageous and taking Risks
  • Struggling and being brave enough to keep trying
  • Using creative strategies to overcome obstacles
  • Saying “I Can” in spite of feeling like “I Can’t”
  • Staying focused, positive, and strong when things get tough


“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching”

  • Being honest
  • Doing something when no one has asked because it is the right thing to do.
  • Taking responsibility for the team when someone else has dropped the ball
  • Owning your mistakes while asking for help or self-correcting.
  • Instead of blaming others when something fails, get in there and help make it right


“The real voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes”. 

~ Marcel Proust

  • Entering each day with a sense of Openness, Curiosity, and Wonder
  • Noticing everyday things in a way you that you have never seen it before
  • Seeking Creative ways to overcome obstacles
  • Taking what you learn and applying it to new problems and situations
  • Inquiry and Questioning
  • Observation using past Knowledge and Reasoning to acquire a new understanding


“I own my words, thoughts, actions.  I don’t own your reaction to them.I don’t own your words. thoughts, actions. I do own my reaction to them."

  • Accepting responsibility for oneself and for one another
  • Creating space for mistakes and owning them
  • Investment in learning, teaching and leadership
  • Developing self- awareness
  • Engaging in self-discovery
  • Being mindful and intentional about what we say and what we do
  • Self-reflection and making choices from a place of self-awareness


 “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal.  It is the courage to keep going that counts"

~Winston Churchill

"Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do."



  • Inspiration
  • Aspiration to Achieve
  • Growth Mindset
  • Passion
  • Patience
  • Tolerance to fail or make mistakes
  • Focus
  • Hard Work
  • Determination
  • Perseverance

STORY OF UBUNTU in South Africa

In certain regions of South Africa, when someone does something wrong, he is taken to the center of the village and surrounded by his tribe for two days while they speak of all the good he has done.  They believe each person is good, yet sometimes we make mistakes, which is really a cry for help.  They unite in this ritual to encourage the person to reconnect with his true nature.  The belief is that unity and affirmation have more power to change behavior than shame and punishment.  This is known as Ubuntu –humanity towards others.

The Story of Ubuntu is why at Academia Antonia Alonso; we believe in the power of community.  At La Academia, we believe in reflecting on our mistakes with the help of teachers, classmates, and community partners; they learn new skills to make better choices the next time; and they are affirmed by the community so that they know and feel that we believe in them and their goodness.

Academia Antonia Alonso is committed to building a safe, authentic community that is able to restore justice and make amends when a member of that community violates or harms the community’s relationship.

In the process of building our community and establishing our school’s culture, suspension is a consequence that could be used as a last resource. When used, it is used to strengthen the emotional safety of our community and deal with the roots of the behavior problems from different perspectives.

Requiring students to participate in the community takes on various meanings. First, they must do their best to practice its values in word and deed. Second, they commit to engage in restorative processes if they have harmed the community or been harmed by another member. There is a reciprocal principle implied here: We will keep you safe, but in return you have to show up as a full participant.

School Philosophy

1% Better Everyday

At La Academia, that is what we strive for- whether you are a student, teacher, staff, parent or board member, 1% better every day is the goal.  We look for small things we can improve on every day, in our personal, professional or educational lives, instead of focusing on major things to change. 

Mindfulness Matters

Mindfulness is the practice of cultivating focused awareness. Not only being aware of one’s sensations, but accepting what is.

Responsive Classrooms

The Responsive Classroom approach consists of a set of practices and strategies that build academic and social-emotional competencies.


Our community works to develop a culture of respect and collaboration based on our UNIDOS character traits (Unity-Never give up-Integrity-Discovery-Ownership-Success).

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice is a holistic approach to behavior that focuses on repairing harm through inclusive processes that engage all stakeholders.

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Congratulations Debbie Quiñones

October 18, 2024

La Academia was delighted to announce Debbie Olivera Quiñones, our school Data Analyst and Special ...

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Congratulations Josmary Rosillo

October 18, 2024

La Academia se complace en anunciar que Josmary Rosillo, maestra de inmersión en español de 2do ...

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Congratulations Daniel Primiani

October 18, 2024

La Academia was delighted to announce that Daniel Primiani, 5th Grade English Immersion Teacher, has...

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